Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wedding Floor Monogram Sales

Simple 3 Initial Monogram
$50 Medium $75 Large (shown)

These go down easy. Just like most vinyl. Takes a steady hand, but little brain.
Applies to most sufaces and will easily peel up if removed within 72 hours.
No residue or film left behind. Perfect for wood dance floors or at the end of your aisle runner!



It all started with my own wedding and wanting a reasonable price for a floor cling. I looked everywhere. I knew I would have to pay a little extra for something customized, but I never did find anything I wanted that was a decent size and price. Since two heads are better then one I started brain storming with my friend. It just so happens her husband has made some clings in the past, but not for a floor. I just knew he could make what I needed and I knew his talent would show for itself. So I designed my wedding floor monogram and sent it to him. He created the beautiful piece and applied it to my dance floor on our wedding day. It was beautiful. JUST as I had imagined. We make a great team. So here we are trying to get started on making these for others at a reasonable price. Take a look and follow our blog. It is cheap, clean, easy, & beautiful.